Monday, 19 August 2013

Intention. What does the word mean?

Intentions are great but actions have to take place to turn intentions into reality. Sometimes this is easy, for instance, “I intend to cook something for dinner that I have never tried before.” This is easy. I love to cook.

Other intentions are harder. I intend to keep the house looking better, tidy and clean. This is not so easy because it seems huge and let’s face it, I would rather bake a batch of biscuits than clean bathrooms. I admit that to others and to myself.

When life throws tough times at you, the instinct is to try and survive, but after the trauma, when you feel as if your nose is miles ahead of your rapidly scurrying feet, how do you pick yourself and start to rebuild what you have and make life better?

After much thinking, mostly in the middle of the night when the house is quiet and I have no intention of cleaning that bathroom, I have come up with the following intentions:

     1.  Eat more healthily. How do I do that?

     2.  Read more. Good books about people because I am always fascinated by other people, 
          their lives and what they achieve.
3. Learn. I don't think it it matters what it is because exercising my mind always make 
          me feel better.

Okay, let the intentions turn into actions…………….    

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